Shara Anderson
Shara Anderson
Contact Shara
[/one_half][one_half_last]Shara Anderson has more than 15 years of experience working in multiple capacities within the home health and accessibility field. She’s a licensed occupational therapist, certified Assistive Technology Practitioner (ATP) and Rehabilitation Technology Supplier (RTS). After graduating from Quinnipiac College, Shara spent the first five years of her professional life working on the TBI unit of Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, MD. After Sinai Hospital, she shifted her focus to the home setting by working as an OT in Kennedy Krieger’s Home and Community Program.
In 1999, Shara began to develop the mobility and assistive technology services of USA Rehab, a Medicare Accredited durable medical equipment (DME) company located in Baltimore. As she helped build this new DME company, Shara learned all aspects of providing complex rehab equipment to clients, from evaluation and documentation to repairing and customizing equipment. Due to this extensive first-hand experience, Shara has grown to possess a unique skill-set compared to other therapists in her field.
At Accessible Housing Services, Shara provides consultation services for the acquisition of complex rehab equipment, and she facilitates the service directly between the paying source and end user. This allows her to remain objective when providing consultative services. By staying current in the industry, Shara ensures that the most appropriate devices are selected for her clients, negotiates discounted prices from vendors, and oversees proper delivery and thorough user education. Her direct access to equipment and manufacturers are invaluable to AHS.
Shara also offers considerable remodeling and accessibility experience. In 2005, she assisted Eric in remodeling a Universal Design model home. Shara was instrumental in the bathroom and kitchen design as well as the home’s layout and product selection. She can frequently be found in the field evaluating, measuring, and problem-solving.
Shara is one of a handful of occupational therapists approved by the state to perform Environmental Assessments.