Assistive Technology
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Assistive technology is a key component to residential accessibility. You cannot have one without the other. The proper piece of equipment or device can help an individual overcome physical barrier that could require costly home modifications. Assistive technology (AT) includes products and services that help people who have difficulty with seeing, hearing, communicating, walking, eating, showering, or other functions.
At AHS, our licensed therapists are also certified as Assistive Technology Professionals (ATPs). They’re involved in all our projects to help explore the use and implementation of assistive technology in order to maximize the safety and independence of our clients.
AT can be broken down into a variety of categories, and our team of Assistive Technology Professionals focuses on the following areas:
• Aids for Daily Living
• Environmental Controls
• Home Adaptations
• Mobility Aids
• Seating and Positioning
• Van Modifications
Typically, clinical therapists are familiar with the function of the patient, but they may not be familiar with the home environment where the patient will actually use his or her devices and equipment.
Our certified therapists work with the client’s clinical team to ensure that all possible technologies are explored prior to discharge and that the AT will work within the client’s living space. For example, external barriers to the client’s home can influence which manual rehab wheelchair should be selected. The location of the toilet in relationship to the sink and bathtub may influence the type of toilet transfer equipment that will maximize the client’s safety and independence.
We work with our clients to determine the most appropriate AT vendor, schedule pre-purchase trials of assistive technology, ensure the patient isn’t overcharged for the equipment, and coordinate equipment education for both the patient and the caregiver. Our thorough process ensures that our clients receive the best and most useful equipment at the best price. AHS strives to “get it right” the first time.
If you or your family member needs assistive technology devices or services, contact AHS, and we’ll assist you with the AT process.